Monday, December 29, 2008

Blue Chip Stocks on Bursa Malaysia

Blue Chip Stocks on Bursa Malaysia

The Biggest Companies in Malaysia

As at 31-Aug-07, the Top 5 companies in Malaysia by Market Capitalization are:-

Malayan Banking Berhad (RM45.1 billion)
Tenaga Nasional Berhad (RM43.1 billion)
Commerce Asset Holdings Berhad (RM36.7 billion)
MISC (RM35.3 billion)
Telekom Malaysia Berhad (RM33.3 billion)

I maintain an updated list of the Top Malaysian Companies here:

As you can see, our companies are peanuts in size compared with the top US companies such as GE, Exxon, Microsoft etc.But it is noteworthy that we have come a long way since the 1997 - 98 crash when our financial system all but disappeared. From memory, the market cap of Malayan Banking (or Maybank as it is affectionately known here) was less than RM5.0 billion at its bottom.


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